Comet is a 12 yr old princess of the Harmonica Star World who is entrusted with the job of finding the prince of the Tambourine Star World but the general truth is that she cares nothing for her high rank and is interested in traveling to the planet Earth and having great adventures like how her mother did when she was younger. Rababou is her great friend who helps her in collecting star power and he can easily inflate himself to fly.He constantly nags Comet to stay on the job and if he is not seen outside then he is probably in Comet's Twinkle Star.He is in love with Spica(Comet's aunty)'s star world pet Rabapyon . Princess Meteor of Castanet World who is also on the same job.She is the exact opposite of Comet's kindly character but she too can be extremely generous but she seldom shows this side . She has her own star world pet called Mook to help her but she usually follows Comet and picks up clues from her. People from both planets expect their respective princess to find the prince first and then marry him . Its just a question of which princess finds the prince first.